Monday, August 25, 2014

A real summer vacation

What a whirlwind trip back in WI. It has been so good to get in touch with friends and family. Fishing trips, concerts, baseball games, trivia nights, biking and time to

help the kids with a couple of projects. After staying at Comfort Suites for a month and a half, I moved into Dave Ladick's place, a very generous friend. Summers usually go by so fast but this doesn't seem like that, even though it was late June when I got here. It is truly amazing to have time to head off to whatever comes up, and it's summertime.
The tickets have been bought for the first round. Headed for Orlando to visit friends on Sept 17, then off to Nicaragua on Sept 27. I am registered for the Spanish immersion school in Leon, Nicaragua starting Sept 29. This should be interesting, I will be staying with a host family throughout the time. I am hopeful to become fluent in a month or so, but am willing to stay as long as it takes. The freedom it will allow to travel without the language barrier will make the travels after so open with options. After the school I want to check out Granada, Managua, and San Juan del Sur, all other cities in Nicaragua before heading south to Costa Rica and Panama. The local travel will be by bus.
A few final preparations are what I'm working on now. Packing everything needed for travel in one bag and a backpack is going to be a challenge. Getting excited about taking the leap.