Monday, April 6, 2015

Spring break vacation

Down to the last month here, we will be headed to Florida on April 28. Very interesting last couple of weeks. A friend of Gloria's knew someone willing to rent his car to us for 10 days, very reasonably. So we headed about 5 hours north to Medellin, big city similar in elevation to Pereira so temps similar also. We did the explored many sights and enjoyed it a lot. Part of their metro train system is are a few cable car lines that go up high into the mountains, that was very cool. Parks, museum, gardens....lots of people and driving there is a challenge. After a couple days we headed east to Lake Guatape and El Piñol, a big rock sticking straight up. We did climb it early one morning, 760 steps at an altitude of 7,000 ft., but it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be and the views were amazing! We also took a boat tour and enjoyed the little town of Guatape, it was very pretty.
The fishing has been good as we keep exploring new lakes around here. The strange thing is they are all private and when your done they weigh your fish and you pay. Hard to imagine that going over well in WI. The ones we kept were mojarra and cachama, the latter fighting like a bluegill but are around 2 lb. They are a lot of fun to catch and great to eat.
All last week was Semana Santa, Easter week. There have been processions everyday downtown with people carrying statues that tell the events of Easter as they progressed through the week. Gloria's son and spouse were in all the adult processions and it was a privilege to watch.
Easter is now past, the Badgers are poised for great things and baseball starts today. Enjoy the spring!
 View of Medellin from hotel
Metro train station

 Way up

In botanical gardens

 Dinner at Pueblito Paisa, high above Medellin

Lleras Park near hotel

 Park Berrio, with gallery of art of Botero
View of El Piñol from hotel

Stairs in the crevass

Proof we made it to the top

Streets of Guatape

El Piñol from the boat

 One of Pablo Escobar's places on the lake, next to two others that were bombed by police
 The old pueblo El Piñol, now 60 meters under water, this monument remains.
 A replica built of the old town

 Back to Guatape
 Awesome taxis, also Nissan 4WD similar to LandCruiser

 Lake Guatape
 Very happy with my 2.5 lb cachama
 Mauro pausing in the procession

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